Hi all
Is there a way to follow the steps that happen when I choose a particular filter so I could make it by myself?
I use the 'plastic wrap' filter but I want to change several components that are made automatically and I do not want all of them.
(Basically I take white lines on a black background and use the 'Plastic warp' filter, it thickens the lines and changes the texture and that's good for me - but it adds a bright spot behind the lines, which I do not want because I need it in a separate layer).
I usualy uses Gimp for this but I wanted to give a try with photoshop CC
I want to create a seamless texture, so I use the offset filter
but check the image, on second aplication of the offset filter, it creates a strange margin for noapparent reason, ruining the texture
Here I use smart objects, but I tried with a simple white canvas, drew black lines onf it and applied the filter twice, I dont have the problem
does anyone knows what would be the problem ? I tried restarting PS and reloading the image but same problem
I can get halfway there, but there are steps that I am missing.
Here is what I am trying to achieve. Our old tech guys used to make our product images:
Here is what I have been able to come up with. The wireframe is created in Illustrator and then brought into photoshop, then added the Plastic Wrap filter. It still looks like crap comparatively though:
Any thoughts on what I could do? I guess maybe dodging and burning or something along those lines MIGHT work, but I was for sure it was a pretty automatic process they had down before.
I've merged the original exposures into a panorama using PS's photo merge tool, and then used the Adaptive Lens filter to straighten it out. The merge gave a cup shape to the horizon. The Adaptive Lens filter wasn't as easy as expected, as just marking the horizon was not working and I could find no way to tell it that the projected line it drew was not following the right curve! But I found that making a bunch of overlapping small lines did the trick.
So here's what I have now:
Before I work on color, I need to get the composition right. The distant horizon is straight, and the change in features on the left is a natural place to have a bend, but maybe the distant horizon ought to be a bit curved after all? I'm open to suggestions.
The near space is too distorted and doesn't match, but having the feature provides for the opening up of the distance beyond it. But maybe it can be shaped or modified somehow?
Any suggestions or discussion on what I should do next?
Also, I've found that PS will not save a file if it runs larger than 2GB. A more enormous merge could not be saved with layers intact. This thing is already pushing 2GB, with one "smart" layer + the lens filter and a vibrancy adjustment layer.
Does anyone know a filter, tool or web to create binary patterns on top of pictures? I wanted a filter for photoshop if is possible bcs I need to apply this effect to many images.
Hello to PGurus! This my 1st Post & I am thankful for the resource(s) offered here!
My ?: I have MacBook Pro Ver. 10.6.8 w/ 8 gig RAM. The filter " Fractalius " only works on Windows. They will not make a Mac Version. So, can I run Photoshop CS-5 Extended through VirtualBox Ver. 4.16 software with XP on it (which I already have used to run Microsoft "Access" DataBase software), and be able to use this filter for my projects? Or is there any better way to achieve the same result? Thank You for your advice.
I am doing a tutorial that calls for dotted lines. I believe this tut is done with the newest version of Photoshop out there, so it has no problem making dotted lines. But I just cannot find a way to make them with my CS3. Dotted lines have always been easy in other graphics programs I've used.
I tried going to Style/ Dotted Strokes and I get a halfway decent result by using "no fill". But I can't get the lines in any color except white or black. It's not very editable, either.
Is there a way to get dotted lines or strokes with CS3?
Hi everyone!
Can someone please tell me/ or link me a good tutorial to how a realistic paint splash can be made? I couldn't find any tutorials, which showed how to recreate this
effect. Do I need a initial stock picture of a paint splash?
I have an example pic. (http://absurdwordpreferred.deviantar...-PNG-168320819)
I googled around, and only found out, that i've to use the Plastic Wrap Filter, that's a start, but it sill isn't very close to what I want?
I have a MacBook Pro which I love and will not return to PC anything. But I posted a question on using a windows only filter called fractalius. I had my computer science all wrong. That is: you can not run a Mac Application such as PS for Mac through any virtual windows software unless the application is for windows i.e. PS for Windows. Right? If that is true, does anyone recommend and filter or plugin that emulates Fractalius fractal like filter?
Good evening,
I created this flag (click for larger version, original is 1800 x 1080 pixels):
The lines of the white triangle however are very jagged. Would it be possible for someone to make those lines smooth without changing other details of this picture?
Your help would be greatly appreciated. I hope that someone can help me further.
Best regards,
I used to have an Action/Filter (can't remember which it was) that would turn a photo into what resembled the Matrix style effect. I was playing around as usual, and wanted to try it out on an image.
I haven't used it in a long while, but now I don't have any filters or actions that do it. I appear to have lost it, plus I can't seem to find it again on the web.
I don't suppose anyone here has something that resembles this.