Question About The Pen Tool And Creating A Path

Hope I can state this question clearly. I'm trying to figure out how to assure that the adjustment handles on a particular anchor point exactly form a straight line with each other, rather than having one handle going off at an angle vs. the other handle.

In the illustration below, in the first path I simply grabbed the anchor point and dragged to the right. The two adjustment handles are automatically of identical length and are perfectly in line with each other (which creates a perfectly smooth curve).

However, in the second path, suppose I want to drag the right adjustment handle further to the right. I can do this manually, but then the adjustment handle is free to pivot up or down and I can only hope that I have kept the two handles exactly in line with each other. If they are not precisely in line, you get somewhat of a cusp rather than a smooth curve.

Is there any way to manually drag just one of the adjustment handles, yet still force both of them to be exactly in line?

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No comments from the cheap seats on the condition of her skin. This is a lovely young woman and I would hope that we can all treat her image with respect.

I encourage everyone to give it a try even if your new to Photoshop. All participants should be prepared to explain the techniques they have been using, as we can't learn or help without some idea as to how it was accomplished.

Good luck!

Here is my 1st attempt.

edit: I start by opening the original and duplicating it and then turning off the original layer.
I create a new layer. This is the layer that I will do all of the following adjustments on.

I started by using the following tools and settings.
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Spot Healing Brush Tool - Mode= Normal - Type= Content aware - Sample cloned data from composited data= Sample all layers.
Brush Tool - Mode= Normal - Opacity= 100% - Flow= 1%

This is the image (Layer A) after only using the tools above and one added Levels Adjustment Layer.

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I highlight all other layers except layer A and the original background layer and group them. I then turn off the group.

I then start where the tutorial starts with only the layer A turned on.

Here is the image after using a skin softening technique described in this video: