Hey guys i am in a job in which i have to make quite a few edits in a single day . so sometimes i have to complete a edit in like 15 - 30 mins(usually these are adverts ) . So i decided to post on this thread what ever i do and may be you'll can critique it , and tell me how i could improve on that particular design .
TY .
Gautam .
Here's my 5 mins edit for today . i know its very very basic , but still .
Hey guys , wassup and how u all been ? I miss u all , i really do .
check this below image out .
basically its for a small ecommerce website , the thing is , it looks too dull and what i'd really like is to make it look a bit professional and bright . I did't try anything much , except adjust the levels , but if somebody can suggest me a few tricks , i can go try it in photoshop .
Please don't make edits on this picture , as i'd prefer just suggestions , if i do have further difficulty i'll come back and ask here .
Thank you.
hey guys i saaw this picture edit online on google .
i am sure this is not a one step effect , can somebody tell me if there is a any tutorial on creating such a effect or what such an effect is called ?
Thanks .
I'm a newbie i dont know these common problems im 2 mins in on this video
and when he selects the layer mask and paints black to turn the image to normal color. my brush does nothing, nothing happens when i use a brush. here my screen idk if i have something turned off/on that shouldnt be.
Hey I just started a youtube channel but i have no youtube logo for it i was wonder if someone could kindly design one for me i like the design of TheSyndicateProjects Logo and i would like it to be a kiwi bird instead of syndicates lion if anyone can help me out it will be greatly appreciated and if i decide to use it i will metion whoever made it in the the description in videos or on my channel or something just for your help
EDIT: IF Anyone is skilled enough to make the logo into a intro aswell I will thank so much and I will create a video about that intro and who made it when i start making videos (hopefully soon)
EDIT 2: username for the Channel is TheKiwiSyndicate so try put that in there aswell
Hey guys,
I hope you all don't mind me asking a few questions in this thread regarding a graphics design apprenticeship.
Well since I am a huge fan of photoshop, and love designing. I wanted a career out of it so I have decided I would like to do an apprenticeship.
Anyway, I'm just wondering what softwares I should get myself familiar with before I start my course?
I have Photoshop and inDesign already, any others? Be reasonable here though as design softwares are not cheap, please only suggest the important ones.
No, I won't post a photo because I don't want anyone to edit this photo.
I'm just looking for a fun way to change a photo for printing on a t-shirt.
My OH's birthday is coming up and I need some suggestions to make a fun print.
So if anyone could provide me with some ideas, that would be nice.
My mom was in town last weekend and I'd like to make the pictures of her and my son and niece really pop and have a better look to them than just snapshots. I picture a solid background free of distractions, eyes popping and even skin tones. Both my son and my niece have dark brown eyes and I am having issues getting them to stand out.
I'm still learning how to do some things in photoshop but do know how to navigate mostly! Any critique is welcome or advice even! I want to learn, and with these pictures I'm not sure what I need to do to make them pop lol.
Thank you in advance!
Hello All-
I don't understand how to go back & forth between ACR and PS with Raw (Nef) files. From ACR (after basic edits) I open to PS as "smart objects" having saved the last ACR settings before so, as a "snapshop" in ACR. This 1st snapshot is always available to the end. Once in PS I create a new Levels adjustment layer (for color correction) then return to ACR for further edits. After my final edits in ACR I take a snapshot. I now hit the OK button to return to PS for any final edits and "Save As" from there.
It doesn't matter if layers are merged or flattened before the save to Tif from PS, but when I go back into ACR I don't have a snapshot of the last edits I made within ACR, only the very first snapshot of the basics.
Why can't I save my last edits from ACR as snapshots within ACR before going to PS to save?
I would like to toggle between the two programs and save the edits in ACR snapshots within the original Raw file, yet be able to access the first snapshot that is the untouched raw file. I would like to do the edits, keep them, and retain an original raw file. I don't see how to do it going between ACR & PS.
This was a horribly confusing question to write, I did my best to explain it. Thanks for any suggestions at all....
**** iMac 27" - Mavericks 10.9.5; Photoshop CS5 Extended - ACR 6.7; FCPX 10.1.4;
I need someone to edit a PrintScreen for me. You would only have edit around 6 simple elements. Will pay 10 USD . For more info please message me or post here. You will have to change some numbers in the image, and copy and paste certain elements. Price is negotiable. Thank You!
I thought we could try something different I have always said I see PSG as a place where people are looking to improve their skills and take them to the next level. So lets look at a real life situation 1 of the more common things freelance designers are asked to do create a name/brand (if not already supplied by Client) logo, Business card and a website.
So after initial discussions it will go like this the name will be decided in this thread if their is interest in the challenge this is where we will find out.
week 1 challenge will designing a logo
Week 2 implementing that logo into a Business card
Week 3 Making a flyer or poster to advertise the fake company
week 4 design a website mock up for the company
week 5 make the actual website if we feel we want to take it to that level lol.
so vote in the poll yes or no if you would like to see this go ahead and if we have more than 10 votes for it then I will go about getting it started.