Singature Request

Hey guys, I'm sure you get these a lot, and yeah you are probably tired from it but i need a signature - with the main title as "Danus - Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering" and some cool picture.
Thanks in advance and thank you for your time.

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Background Without Using Images

Hey guys,

So I'm a rather new music producer and I make some wallpapers for my tracks using Photoshop and then put some effects in there using Adobe After Effects.
So I usually just use either a gradient or an image in there, but it's rather hard to find images without copyright that look good and fit the track title.
And gradients kinda look boring (just a few colors that overflow).

So I was wondering how people make these kind of backgrounds:

(quality kinda sucks because I had it on 480p by accident, but you get the point)

Or a bit different style like this:

Or this:

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I know the "READ ME BEFORE POSTING" thread clearly said "rather use img tags instead of linking to external websites" but it kept saying that I exceeded my tags by 20. So yeah, changed it into this. If anyone wants me to upload it to Imgur or something instead I'll do that.

Something To Be Shown At The Bottom When Exceeds The Top Border

Hi to all
I'm sorry for my not so great title, but I just don't eally know how to call what I want to do...
In general, I want to create a picture that if I were to duplicate it and put it on top of the original, it will "connect" and look like a continuation of the original picture.
This is an example of what I wanna do:

I can't use the same method I've used here to create what I want, 'cause I wanna do it on a more complex picture. Like this:

If such an ability can't be achived then maybe is there a way, that if I'm drawing using the brush tool but there is not enough space for the whole brush to be drawn, it will not be drawn?
That is a background for a video game that I am working on and it is very important to me. So if anyone in here know how I can draw things without them being sliced by the borders on the canvas please help me.
Thanks in advance,

How To Use Photoshop To Make A Tooth Colour Analysis?

how can i use photoshop to make a tooth colour analysis?
here you can see a print out from a device that does that...but i want to achieve that with ps.

-i take a picture of my patient with a gray card and ringlight to set the correct white balance.
-i also have a picture of a objective colors also taken with gray card so the white balance of those two pictures should be the same.

1)how can i tell what is the major/main/single colour of the tooth like he

2)how can i tell what are three colours of the tooth like here (same as above but three segments):

3)how can i achieve such posterized color map?

thank you in advance for help

Magnifying Effect Photoshop

Hey guys, my name is isaac and im doing product photography, one of me client asked me if i can do "magnifying effect" like as it shows in the first picture, the second picture that a picture i took.

thank you for any help

Albumart // Request

Hello everyone,

I am writing to humbly request the assistance of masters of the visual arts, of which I understand none.
The matter is of an album / CD art, front & back, for my vision.
It is a mixture of metal and rap, more real than limp bizkit & co.
But please listen for yourself, and see if you like it:

If you like it, would you want to do such a thing ?
You will receive the respective credit on the CD.
I have no idea what sort of image to put on it.
The album name will be "1st_draft", artist name is "MC-21"

Maybe you could contact me through mail or skype ?

Thank you very, very much in advance, and kindest of regards,

[request] Can Somebody Remove The Background Of This Picture?

Hey, im at work now and i dont have access to photoshop, anyway, is there a chance anybody can remove the background of this and make the size 4x3CM (Centimeters)? I tried to do this in one of the "webphotoshop" pages but didnt work out that good.
Its for an ID card and i have already checked if im allowed to do this in this way.

I have attached the file to this thread.

Request: Remove the background and make it transparent or with a white background.

Science Project Help!!

Can anyone please help design an awesome title for a 4th grade science project? It's for my son & his friend & they wanted an awesome eye catching title. The title is "DEFYING GRAVITY" If anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated!!


Background Problems


Perhaps is a small introduction for a newbie on this forum (like me) a good idea:
I'm a Beglian chemical engineering student and I'm building my first website, but
unfortunately I've stumbled upon a BIG problem.

Like you can see, I use a picture as a background: a paper "glued" to a a wall.
This paper is a little bit opaque (the texture and color of the wall is visible through the paper).

But here is the problem: I'm bounded to the length of this paper. I can't write longer texts than the length of the paper.
Here you can see the problem: Slalom
The bottom part of the text falls out of (actually below) the paper.

Luckily I have found the perfect solution for the problem. But for this I need to remove paper and the scotch tape from the picture.
And that's where I really need your help. This kind of editing is completely beyond my reach.

I did not think about this during the designing phase, so now I'm really stuck with this problem.
By the way: you will notice that the website is not finished yet.

Photoshop Request?

Hi everyone and thanks in advance for your time
There's this picture I'd like to use as my desktop wallpaper, but it looks a bit blurry and unpolished, so I would be really thankful if anyone could sharpen the lines and make it HD without changing its size.
I don't know if this is possible but any help will be appreciated.
Thanks again!

Fixing Skin Tone Due To Background Sun

Hey guys. This'll be my first post on this forum. I've never been that into photography and image editing until I got my hands on PS and realized how amazing the process is and how many changes you can make. I actually spend quite a bit of time messing with pics in my spare time now. That said, I'm still a beginner when it comes to this program, so I need help on a couple things.

The current picture I need advice on deals with the old "sun in the background" problem. Its a picture of myself riding a horse, but a noob mistake made me forget that you need the sun facing you in order to not have your skin appear dark. I know to correct this in the future, but I'd like to know if there's a way that PS can make this look a bit better.

I'm not uploading the actual image, but a really good comparison looks like this:

How could I get the skin tone looking normal?