Hi, Any Ideas How To Achieve Chakrit Chanpen's Style / Effect?

Hi, I have seen a series of images by Chakrit Chanpen recently and I have been looking for a tutorials / tips / pointers on how he does it.
I can image it will be a complicated workflow including more than just one technique. I have been "googling" for the past two days and to be honest did not find much :/.
I don't need an inch by inch instructions ( I know what the masks, layers, adjustments, gradients, blending modes... are) but if anyone can help me to explain how to do it or point in the right direction I will be glad.

I can't post links yet so I will paste some samples here or you can just google Chakrit Chanpen and fing him on 500px.



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L I N K S: Popular Special Effects Explained

New members please note.

You'll find explanations and helpful links here, including links to the original request threads. Please go through these images first and see if that's what you want and if the links address your need.

If more help is necessary, go for it; start your own. We also invite you to post your work if you created one of these effects. Share your pride!!

I apologize for any redundancy to the links provided. Nature of the beast, and I guess more is better in this case.

If anyone has additional effects they would like added, please PM me with the post url. The requests seem to go in cycles, fads I suppose. So if you remember one from some time ago that you like and think should be in here, PM me please with the thread url and I'll add it.

Following is a list of contents which will be updated as new topics are added. If you don't recognize the effect by name, scroll down to the images in each post and see if this answers your question. If not, post your effects question in a new thread.

Thank you for visiting here first!

Post 2: Smooth and glossy effects, might include Topaz Clean plug-in
Post 3: Popular Sports Image effects, smoothed, glossy, enhanced contrast; cartoon-like
Post 4: Dragan Effect: high-contrast, glossy, a bit of sepia toning
Post 5: Dave Hill Effect: similar to some of above in use of contrast and gloss. Also uses distortions.
Post 6: Popular Sports Image effect similar to that in Post 3. Discussion of using Topaz Adjust
Post 7: "Washed Out Look," "White Out Effect," or "Porcelain Effect"
Post 8: Another cartoon effect using Photoshop or Topaz plug-in Selection
Post 9: I am currently researching this one as the image and discussion link to do not match. Apologies . . .
Post 10: Sepia Toning

Photoshop Technique

I am trying to make some videos using still images but want to add some creativity to them. I want to be able to make certain subjects in the images pop out like in the following two videos:

(I can't post links so you will have to search you tube for the following videos)
1. George Strait's "Troubadour" official video (use these search words: "george strait troubadour")
2. Cee Lo Green's "Thank you" video (use these search words: "thank you cee lo green" -its the firefighter video)

Sorry for not posting links but my account is not allowed to post links yet.

I want to use the 3d/pop-out style effects. I am not sure where to start on how to get certain elements in the image to pop out and others blur into the background. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Workflow Help For This Effect


Can someone that knows what they're doing provide me with a tutorial on how to achieve this visual effect?

......Admin edit .... please upload full image rather than off-site redirect.

I am talking about the green image on this flyer with the man who is standing with his back to us, and the faint green text that is superimposed around him.

My photoshop skills are moderate, so I can make all the layers of text and the man. My question is, how do I achieve the green fill that is used in the image.

How do I make the image "green" like that?

Is it a combination of making it grayscale and then replacing grey with green? Or should I use a mask and a translucent fill?

Big thanks in advance!

Copying Layer Masks Into Colour Channels? Also Is This A Bug?

Hi all!
We're using photoshop to prepare assets for a game engine, and i'm trying to find a good workflow, which i can then teach to my artist.
At this point, i have an image with five layers. 12345

Layers 2-5 each have a layer mask on them.

Now what i want to do is, copy the layer mask of layer 2, and paste it into the Red colour channel of layer 1
then mask of layer 3 into the green channel of layer 1
layer 4 into the blue channel
and layer 5 into the alpha channel

So the result is that the channels of that layer will each look identical to the layer masks, and thus layer 1 will look like a wierd (but programatically meaningful) mishmash of colours.

I'm having some problems though.

Apologies for the massive image.
This is the green channel that i've gained from the above procedure. The big gradiented circle in the middle is what i made, but for some reason i have this white stripe down the left side too. I have no idea what that is or why it's there. It appears on both he green and blue channels when i paste in a mask. But if you look at the channel image in the right hand panel, it doesn't seem to have a stripe down it.

the stripe is definitely there, it's affecting the main image, and its annoying me.

any thoughts what might be causing that?

Blending Cmy Separations.

I've been foolishly playing around with blending modes on images in web pages using CSS.

I found an example in which the follow image is used for blending, using 'multiply' blend mode.

When blended they do indeed create a full colour image but how is this done without the 'key' component?
I'm assuming its been included in the other 3 images but how?


Auto Blend Layers Stack Image Option In Photoshop 3

I have several images in different layer in PS3 ( macro images with different points of focus).
I have aligned all layers ok, but when trying to blend the layer (all layers selected) using the auto blend layers tools, the tool does not give me the stacked images button.
Instead it launches straight into the process.
The results are not what I am expecting, each layer bar one has a totally black mask, and the image is not a blend of all the images.
All tutorials for the process using CS3 show a button for selecting "stack images" mine doesn't.
Am I doing something wrong?
Please help as I am going mad with it

Background Without Using Images

Hey guys,

So I'm a rather new music producer and I make some wallpapers for my tracks using Photoshop and then put some effects in there using Adobe After Effects.
So I usually just use either a gradient or an image in there, but it's rather hard to find images without copyright that look good and fit the track title.
And gradients kinda look boring (just a few colors that overflow).

So I was wondering how people make these kind of backgrounds:

(quality kinda sucks because I had it on 480p by accident, but you get the point)

Or a bit different style like this:

Or this:

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I know the "READ ME BEFORE POSTING" thread clearly said "rather use img tags instead of linking to external websites" but it kept saying that I exceeded my tags by 20. So yeah, changed it into this. If anyone wants me to upload it to Imgur or something instead I'll do that.

Action Terminology -- I Need Help.

I saw this photoshop action the other day I was impressed with. I'm on the hunt for a similar Action but I'm completely lost on what search terms to use in my hunt.

I have 4 images that give you an idea what the action does. I will also use the images to help explain my confusion.

IMAGE 1 -- nothing special here -- just showing you the image loaded into PS.

IMAGE 2 -- Image 2 shows you the first step of the action. It basically gives you an outline of the image and changes the background. I would love to have the background color to be all white but all in all this is ok.

IMAGE 3 - In this image I'm showing that you can use any brush to paint in what you want to show on the image. This is where I get lost in my search. I have been looking for an action that can convert the background like you see in image 2 above and than give you the ability to paint what you want to show in the image. I have used terms like "sketch painting" "pencil painting" "painting image" "brush painting" "mask painting" but I can not find any actions that does what you see in these images.

IMAGE 4 - When you are done brushing , you can continue the action and it will change what you brushed in to look like a painting.

Ok..............I'm looking for actions that basically does the above. The two key elements of the action is how it handles the background and also gives me the ability to use a brush tool to paint what I want seen in the final results. Most actions I seen will just convert the whole image to look like a painting.........I want more control of what is seen in the final results by using a brush to paint what I want seen in the final results. What it converts to in the end isn't important but I would love to find something where I could convert the image so it looks like a painting, a pencil sketch, comic sketch, etc.

You can help me with what to search for or even better yet, if you know where I can find such actions, please point the way.

I spent 2 days on GraphicRiveer with very little luck or what I find did not provide me enough info for me to be certain I was getting what I wanted. Other than GraphicRiver, I have been googling but no luck.


Photoshop Resolution To Print Questions


I am learning Photoshop in the hope of printing posters. I have questions regarding printing. Originally, when you create an image the resolution is set to 72 pixels/inch. I have learned I need to switch that to 300 pixel/inch.

1)Will I have to recreate all my images from scratch in 300 resolution?

2)Do I lose a lot of quality on the final product if i convert 72 -> 300.

3)My images are 11x17, when i hit 100% and view rulers, it shows my image at roughly a 3:1 ratio, why does it do this?

4)Can I view what a final printed image will look like with in Photoshop?

5)How do I preserve quality when switching to 300 resolution?

6)Say I use an image that is originally 600x600, will switching to 300 resolution make the new image horrible?

I may have more questions with as these get answered,
Thank you,

What Technique/tool Was Used To Create These Lights And Shadows?

Hello all

I'm a new member here so hopefully I'm posting in the right section!

Now... I'm not a newbie with PS but I just can't figure out how these lights and shadows were created on the characters. Btw, these photos were taken in a virtual world and then edited in, I assume, PS.
I really like the polished look. These pics look almost like some photos in magazines like Vogue.
I did speak to the guy who edited them and asked what his technique is, but he barely speaks English so he explained just that he uses different blend modes. I did try many times better new achieve anything close to these images.

How could I achieve this effect and what 'tricks' are there to creating such nice lights and shadows?
