every time im trying to apply an actions, i have this error
how i can solve it ?
I used to use quite a few Actions for special effects. Now, with Nik and
OnOne, I create "favorite" effects instead. I haven't used Actions for this
for quite some time.
Are Actions for certain effects (ie: Dragan) used much anymore?
Anyone have any Actions or Action sites they recommend? There's
a million sites that come up with a Google search, but many are not
really worth the time.
I would like to use "embedded" actions in Photoshop
For instance, I define some "basic" actions
- Action 1
- Action 2
- Action 3
And in a more complex action I would like to have
- New action
Run Action 1
Run Action 3
I've seen this possibility used in an action I downloaded, but don't see how I can do it with my own actions
Thanks for your help
Have a good day
I hope someone is reading this and has an answer to my problem.
What i want to do:
I have over 300 names (with surnames) listed as a textfile. And i have one image. What i want to do is pasting the text (e.g. name1surname1) on a specific area (which does not change) of the image, and saving the image as jpeg (filename = name1surname1.jpg). Then name2surname2 > saving as name2surname2.jpg, ....
The image is always the same, but the text i have to change (and save-as-jpeg) over 300 times.
As an example:
What my problem is:
I don't have the time to change all 300 names one by one and saving them one by one.
> Using Actions does not solve my problem ofcourse because it is different everytime
> Using Variables (set to the textlayer) and importing datasets COULD solve my problem but:
>> Sometimes one 'name' is longer than the previous one, so it does not fit inside the box:
so i have to change the font size to make it fit again)
What could solve my problem:
A way, which automates all the replacing of the textlayer with the names AND (probably more important) automatically changing the fontsize in case it is too big to fit within the textbox.
I hope there is a way to this. Waiting hopefully for answers thanks in advance!
I saw this photoshop action the other day I was impressed with. I'm on the hunt for a similar Action but I'm completely lost on what search terms to use in my hunt.
I have 4 images that give you an idea what the action does. I will also use the images to help explain my confusion.
IMAGE 1 -- nothing special here -- just showing you the image loaded into PS.
IMAGE 2 -- Image 2 shows you the first step of the action. It basically gives you an outline of the image and changes the background. I would love to have the background color to be all white but all in all this is ok.
IMAGE 3 - In this image I'm showing that you can use any brush to paint in what you want to show on the image. This is where I get lost in my search. I have been looking for an action that can convert the background like you see in image 2 above and than give you the ability to paint what you want to show in the image. I have used terms like "sketch painting" "pencil painting" "painting image" "brush painting" "mask painting" but I can not find any actions that does what you see in these images.
IMAGE 4 - When you are done brushing , you can continue the action and it will change what you brushed in to look like a painting.
Ok..............I'm looking for actions that basically does the above. The two key elements of the action is how it handles the background and also gives me the ability to use a brush tool to paint what I want seen in the final results. Most actions I seen will just convert the whole image to look like a painting.........I want more control of what is seen in the final results by using a brush to paint what I want seen in the final results. What it converts to in the end isn't important but I would love to find something where I could convert the image so it looks like a painting, a pencil sketch, comic sketch, etc.
You can help me with what to search for or even better yet, if you know where I can find such actions, please point the way.
I spent 2 days on GraphicRiveer with very little luck or what I find did not provide me enough info for me to be certain I was getting what I wanted. Other than GraphicRiver, I have been googling but no luck.
I want to create a mockup like this
I know the complicated, time wasting way, and with actions etc. , I'm way too lazy to do that.
and since I just upgraded to the extended version, I want to use the 3d mode.
I already googled, found none helpful. Please help. Thanks and please excuse my bad English.
Hey All,
Thanks in advanced for any help/suggestions. I've been experimenting with different photoshop actions and filters.
While working on a project for a client i came across some photos and I wasn't quite sure how they would done. I was wondering if anyone in the forum knew how to achieve this effect?
Hey everyone,
I'm looking for a few Adobe Photoshop actions and Adobe Lightroom presets to help add a little flare to my photos. At the moment, I'm subscribed to Adobe Bloom for my action needs.
Please reply with high quality options and I'll definitely go take a look!
I used to have an Action/Filter (can't remember which it was) that would turn a photo into what resembled the Matrix style effect. I was playing around as usual, and wanted to try it out on an image.
I haven't used it in a long while, but now I don't have any filters or actions that do it. I appear to have lost it, plus I can't seem to find it again on the web.
I don't suppose anyone here has something that resembles this.
Long story short...I need a way to quickly drag multiple images to my canvas and put them in certain places without any of them overlapping each other. At the moment, when I select multiple images and drag them onto the canvas, they all sit on top of each other right in the middle until I go to each layer and move to their own space.
Is there a way I can automate the images to go to the correct position? Having to go layer by layer doing that manually takes a lot of time when I have 20+ images per sheet so I'm hoping there is a quicker way. I'm well aware of actions but not sure how I can use that to place images to different parts of the canvas. As far as I know, creating an action will put each image on the same spot of the canvas but hopefully I'm wrong about that and someone can show me the correct way of setting it up.
Trying to figure out how I can batch watermark images with different PPI.
My current method:
Open Actions:
Create action-Watermark
I open the image I want to watermark, all horizontal/vertical images
I place my watermark symbol (.png file) - File - Place
Resize the watermark, then vertically and horizontally align.
End Record
Outcome: I get many images with different sizes of the watermark, this is because the PPI is different I figured out. Now all I'd like to know is how can I get the same size watermark on all images without changing the PPI?